All About the Vowel Team/Diphthong Syllable Type
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All About the Vowel Team/Diphthong Syllable Type

Learn all about the vowel team/diphthong syllable type! This syllable type includes either a vowel team or a diphthong functioning as the vowel within the syllable. Get tons of information to help equip your students to easily read longer words! About Vowel Team/Diphthong Syllable 👉 What is a syllable? Let’s begin with the basics and…

Teaching Diphthongs OI and OY with Free Printable
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Teaching Diphthongs OI and OY with Free Printable

Learn about the vowel diphthongs OI and OY and the best ways to teach them. And grab a FREE printable to help you teach your students this important phonics concept. What is a Diphthong? A diphthong is a vowel team of sorts, where two vowels come together to make a new sound. 👉 Diphthongs are…