Fall Roll & Write for Consonant Blends – Free Printable!
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Fall Roll & Write for Consonant Blends – Free Printable!

Get this engaging Fall-themed Roll & Write activity for spelling words with Consonant Blends! These free printables follow a speech-to-print format and are great for phonics centers and independent work! Why We Love It This Roll & Write activity is designed with a speech-to-print format that helps kids encode words with blends. It follows the…

A Better Way to Teach Letter X: Free Worksheet
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A Better Way to Teach Letter X: Free Worksheet

Learn the Science of Reading-aligned way to teach the letter X to your students. Gain confidence in teaching your students all about the unique letter X and get a free printable orthographic mapping worksheet for student practice. 🤔 Rethinking How to Teach X As teachers, we begin explicit phonics instruction by introducing letters and linking…

All About Digraphs & Blends: Free Lists & Charts
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All About Digraphs & Blends: Free Lists & Charts

Explore and learn all about consonant blends and digraphs, discerning their distinctions, and discovering the most effective teaching methods. You’ll also get access to FREE Science of Reading aligned resources, including lists and charts, to enhance your instructional approach. What Is a Digraph? Definition: Consonant digraphs are TWO consonants that represent ONE sound. Common Digraphs…

Colorful Consonant Blends Anchor Chart – Free Printable
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Colorful Consonant Blends Anchor Chart – Free Printable

Get this colorful, fun, and FREE printable Consonant Blends Anchor Chart. Each of the 26 blends are written on the poster in large letters with a matching picture and keyword. 🧑‍🏫 Teaching Consonant Blends Consonant Blends Definition: Two or more consonants next to one another, with no vowels between, where each letter sound is heard…

Teaching Consonant Blends + Free Word List
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Teaching Consonant Blends + Free Word List

Learn all about teaching consonant blends or consonant clusters, with words and examples of initial l-blend, r-blend, s-blend, and w-blend words, ending t-blend and ending l-blend words, and 3 letter blend words. As an added bonus, get a free printable list with 183 consonant blend words and examples, organized by blend. All About Consonant Blends…

R Blends Words and Worksheets (5 Free Printables)
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R Blends Words and Worksheets (5 Free Printables)

Read all about r-blend words, words that include br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, & tr at the beginning of the word. Then get five free printable worksheets to use with your students to help practice the more challenging beginning consonant blends. What Are R-Blends? R blends are consonant blends (or consonant clusters) that include…

L-Blends Worksheets (6 Free Printables!)
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L-Blends Worksheets (6 Free Printables!)

Get six free worksheets to help children gain command of consonant blends that include the letter L. Included are targeted words with these beginning L-blends: bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, and sl. What Are Blends? Consonant blends (sometimes called consonant clusters) are two or more consonants next to each other, with each consonant sound clearly…

18 Consonant Blends Sentences with Free Worksheets
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18 Consonant Blends Sentences with Free Worksheets

Get 18 decodable sentences organized by S-blends, L-blends, and R-blends for focused phonics practice. Included are 3 FREE printable read-and-match PDF worksheets, each with 6 decodable sentences and matching pictures. Initial Consonant Blends Initial consonant blends are sometimes called beginning blends. They come at the beginning of a word and include two or more consonants…

BL and BR Blends Worksheets & Activities (Free!)
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BL and BR Blends Worksheets & Activities (Free!)

These 5 free PDF worksheets reinforce a strong understanding of the sounds that consonant blends BR and BL make. The activities provide repeated practice reading and writing words with blends, sorting pictures according to beginning blends, and reading decodable sentences with initial BR and BL blends. Teaching Initial Consonant Blends Initial consonant blends (or beginning…