Spelling Practice Tic Tac Toe – Free Printable
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Spelling Practice Tic Tac Toe – Free Printable

This free no-prep printable spelling practice tic tac toe board is an entertaining and engaging game for students in grades 1-4 to practice their vocabulary words! Get your spelling lists and get started! Why We Love It There’s nothing we like more than making learning fun! And traditionally, vocabulary and spelling practice can be a…

FREE Vowel Sort Worksheets: Long & Short Vowels
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FREE Vowel Sort Worksheets: Long & Short Vowels

Get five vowel sorts to help kids distinguish between long and short vowel sounds heard in words. Each free printable worksheet includes ten pictures to sort: Five pictures with short vowels, and five pictures with long vowels. Long and Short Vowels A, E, I, O, and U represent the five vowel sounds in the English…

I Spy Halloween Activity Sheet – Free Printable!

I Spy Halloween Activity Sheet – Free Printable!

It’s time for educational Halloween fun! Get this free printable I Spy Halloween activity sheet and kids will have a blast finding all the hidden pictures inside the jack-o-lantern! Why We Love It Halloween is such a festive holiday to celebrate with kids, and we love incorporating seasonal fun with our educational activities (just check…

R-Controlled Vowels Worksheets: 4 Free Printables!
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R-Controlled Vowels Worksheets: 4 Free Printables!

These four free printables help children practice identifying and reading words with r-Controlled vowels. The worksheets include focused practice with AR, ER, IR, OR, and UR patterns. What are r-Controlled Vowels? When a vowel is followed by the letter r, the r takes control of the vowel. The vowel will no longer say its long…

Digraph Sentences Worksheets (6 Free Printables)
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Digraph Sentences Worksheets (6 Free Printables)

Get 6 FREE pdf worksheets focused on digraphs Sh, Th, Ch, Wh, and Ck for focused phonics digraph practice. There are 36 decodable sentences to match with bright pictures to confirm meaning, all while building fluency AND comprehension! Common Digraphs: Sh, Ch, Th, Wh, Ck What are Digraphs? Digraphs are two letters that come together…

150+ R Controlled Vowel Words [Free Printable Lists]
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150+ R Controlled Vowel Words [Free Printable Lists]

The ultimate Bossy R Lists! Get two pdf lists with over 150 R-Controlled vowel words, including AR, ER, IR, OR, and UR. The worksheets are organized by R-controlled syllables, including a list of 1 syllable words & a list of multisyllabic R-Controlled vowel words. R Controlled Syllables A syllable is a word or word part…

All About R Controlled Vowels + Free Printable Chart
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All About R Controlled Vowels + Free Printable Chart

Read all about R-Controlled vowels, sometimes referred to as Bossy R. Here you’ll learn how to improve your students’ phonics skills to read and spell words with R-Controlled vowels. Then, download the FREE printable chart to reinforce R-Controlled vowels. What Are R-Controlled Vowels? R-Controlled vowels are any vowel (a, e, i, o, u) immediately followed…

105+ CVC Word Families – List & Free Anchor Chart
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105+ CVC Word Families – List & Free Anchor Chart

A list of over 105 CVC words grouped into CVC Word Families, organized by the same middle vowel and ending consonant. Get the free printable anchor chart to use for classroom or individual reading practice! CVC Word Families CVC word families are groups of words that follow the consonant-vowel-consonant pattern and contain the same ending…

83 VCCV Words: 2-Syllable Rabbit Words List
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83 VCCV Words: 2-Syllable Rabbit Words List

Learn all about VCCV words! You’ll find out what they are and how to teach kids to break them apart when reading. Then, get comprehensive lists of 83 VCCV pattern words in four organized lists. All words are two syllables and perfect for scaffolded syllabication practice! What Are VCCV Words? VC/CV words are two-syllable words…

80+ Closed Syllable Words & Word List: Free Printable
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80+ Closed Syllable Words & Word List: Free Printable

This FREE closed syllable word list includes 80 words and examples of closed syllables organized in an easy-to-read chart. The chart includes all one-syllable words listed by short vowels, a, e, i, o, and u. This printable list is great for reading, dictation, coding, and independent practice as students learn all about closed syllables! About…