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Classroom Scavenger Hunt – Free Printable!

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This free printable Classroom Scavenger Hunt is a great activity for students to get to know their new classrooms on the first day of school. With lots of colorful, easily recognizable images, students will have a blast finding all the objects in their new classroom!

The classroom scavenger hunt worksheet on a pink background surrounded by colored pencils.

Why We Love It

Looking for a fun, engaging activity for your students for the first day of school? This classroom scavenger hunt is perfect for students in Kindergarten through 2nd grade!

Like our Get to Know You Bingo and Back to School Word Search, it’s designed to help ease their jitters and acclimate to a new environment with new people.

And of course, it helps students gain useful information about the location of important items in the classroom! They will need to know where the trash can, light switch, and sink are. They’ll need to remember where they should put their backpack and water bottles.

Get two free printable options:

  • Our no-prep scavenger hunt printable. It contains 25 colorful and easy-to-recognize objects for children to find.
  • Our BLANK scavenger hunt printable. Write in the names of the objects you want your students to find! This is especially great for unique classrooms or older students.
Four printed classroom scavenger hunt pages with a pencil.

How to Play

Every student gets a printed scavenger hunt and a pencil or marker. Students should keep their paper turned over until you start.

When the teacher says it’s time begin playing, students turn over their page and find each item in the classroom, checking off the corresponding boxes as they go.

Since the idea is for all the students to familiarize themselves with the classroom, we like to play until every student has completed the activity. If you’d rather, though, you can play until the first student checks all the items.

Items to find:

  • Computer
  • Tissues
  • Scissors
  • Whiteboard
  • Trash Can
  • Sink
  • Glue
  • Window
  • Stapler
  • Light Switch
  • Desk
  • Food/Snacks
  • Chair
  • Coffee Mug
  • Clock
  • Art Supplies
  • Water Bottle
  • Tape
  • Books
  • Globe
  • Ruler
  • Backpack
  • Pencil
  • Calendar
  • Paper Clips

Tips & Info

  • Make sure younger students recognize every image shown on the page before you play. Quickly say the name of each picture before you start.
  • If you don’t have all of the items in places easily visible (if you keep your scotch tape in your desk drawer, for instance), make sure to place them where they will eventually be found.
  • Depending on the ages of your students, you might want to adjust the placement of some items to make it more or less difficult. I usually place paper clips in a dish on my desk for younger students, and for older students, I make my stapler partially hidden on a bookshelf to make it harder.

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Graphic with the printable classroom scavenger hunt on a bright pink background.

Download & Print

We’d love to hear about your experience using this game!
Please leave a comment below or tag us on Instagram @literacylearn.

DOWNLOAD TERMS: All of our resources and printables are designed for personal use only in homes and classrooms. Each teacher must download his or her own copy. You may not: Save our files to a shared drive, reproduce our resources on the web, or make photocopies for anyone besides your own students. To share with others, please use the social share links provided or distribute the link to the blog post so others can download their own copies. Your support in this allows us to keep making free resources for everyone! Please see our Creative Credits page for information about the licensed clipart we use. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our terms, please email us. Thank you!

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