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Free Digraph Spelling Practice Activities: Sh, Ch, Th, Ck

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Get 4 FREE printable flowers with petals that lift to allow you to read, confirm, and spell 24 words containing the digraphs sh, ch, th, and ck! Students will practice using research-backed Science of Reading-aligned process!

Graphic with three photos of printed, colored flowers with decodable digraph words.
Download 4 FREE Read & Spell Flowers at the bottom of this post!

Why We Love It

Teaching digraphs is a new and exciting concept for kindergarten and first-grade students. They are learning for the very first time how two letters can represent one sound!

Kids must be able to identify digraphs within words quickly and match the sound to symbol as they read and spell words.

This multi-sensory activity is perfect for kids to practice this important phonics concept for the digraphs sh, ch, th, and ck.

  • Elkonin boxes are important because they allow kids to match the sound to the symbol. They visually show that one sound, like /sh/ in fish, will be represented by two letters S+H.
  • Pictures are included so kids can confirm the meaning of the words they’re reading or spelling. It’s for this reason that we like using real words when introducing or practicing a concept, but you can certainly use nonsense words too to ensure kids aren’t relying on picture support.
  • For more practice with encoding, get our flower-themed Word Building Printables.
Four read-and-spell flowers with crayons, each with words featuring different digraphs.

Decodable Digraph Words

Most digraphs can be found at the beginning, middle, or end of words. For this resource, we included 3 phoneme decodable words for each of the digraphs:

  • sh: lash, ship, fish, cash, dish, shin.
  • ch: chat, chop, chip, chin, inch, chill.
  • th: bath, thin, moth, path, math, them (unvoiced).
  • -ck: duck, sock, lock, luck, tack, sack.

*The digraph -ck follows an important spelling rule. It is the digraph used to spell the /k/ sound immediately after a short vowel at the end of a one-syllable word.

How to Use It

Assembling the Resource: Print on standard 8.5×11 inch paper. Cut out each of the three flowers per digraph. Place the flower with words on top, then the flower with pictures underneath it, then the flower with Elkonin boxes on the bottom. Glue the center pistols together so that only the petals can be lifted.

Collage showing the three steps to use the digraph read and spell resources.

Step 1: Choose one word to start. Tap the sounds, blend the sounds, and read the word. Before starting, point out to students that there’s only one dot below each digraph. Why? Because the two letters only make one sound!

Step 2: Lift the petal and check the picture to confirm meaning. Did you get it right? Congratulations! Color in the picture to celebrate.

Step 3: Lift the next petal and spell the word in the Elkonin boxes. There are only three boxes because the digraph represents one sound.

Repeat for the rest of the words on the flower!

Tips & Info

  • When teaching the digraph -ck, you should have already taught th c vs. k spelling rule. Be sure to differentiate between beginning /k/ sounds and ending /k/ sounds. The digraph -ck is used at the end of the word, never at the beginning!
  • When introducing digraphs, use the sound wall when teaching these new phonemes /sh/, /ch/, and /th/. Remember, the -ck grapheme will go under the /k/ phoneme on a sound wall.
  • Remember, digraphs are different from blends!
  • For extended use, laminate the flowers and use dry erase markers to write the words!

Related Resources

Upgrade and get 11 total Read and Spell Flowers to focus on short vowels and CVC words!

Download & Print

We’d love to hear about your experience using this resource!
Please leave a comment below or tag us on Instagram @literacylearn!

DOWNLOAD TERMS: All of our resources and printables are designed for personal use only in homes and classrooms. Each teacher must download his or her own copy. You may not: Save our files to a shared drive, reproduce our resources on the web, or make photocopies for anyone besides your own students. To share with others, please use the social share links provided or distribute the link to the blog post so others can download their own copies. Your support in this allows us to keep making free resources for everyone! Please see our Creative Credits page for information about the licensed clipart we use. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our terms, please email us. Thank you!


  1. Thank you for the well planned worksheets, easy to download, print and help children learn. It is in the way that children enjoy and learn. Also with free downloads. Thank you for your great work.

  2. I appreciate the help you give to a teacher who needs all the help. These resources are amazing and the students love them.

    1. Hi Ms. Lewis,
      We love knowing that these resources are helping out busy teachers like you! And it’s so great that your students are enjoying these resources, too! That’s why we do what we do 🙂
      Katie and Laura

    1. Hi Sandi,
      We are so happy to help you on this journey! We hope your return to the classroom is as seamless as possible <3
      Katie and Laura

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